Peptide Therapy For Weight Loss

Are you having difficulty losing weight?

We’re aware that weight loss sometimes has a negative stigma surrounding it, however, Peptide Therapy could be just what you’ve been missing in your weight loss journey. Talk to us about how we can help you safely and effectively achieve your weight loss goals.

Let us help you reach the goals you’ve been unable to attain through diet and exercise alone.

Begin your weight loss journey today!

Begin your weight loss journey today!

Peptides are strings of amino acids that your body makes. They are the building blocks of proteins. Lab-made peptides are used in medicines to help benefit your muscles, skin, and weight management. Peptides are a key factor in the optimization of human performance.

What are Peptides?

Your body creates peptides on its own, but unfortunately, as we age, our bodies slow down. When our bodies slow down, so does the production of proteins and hormones. Administering additional peptides in specific formulas can help these peptides act as hormones, optimizing the targeted areas that we want to improve- including weight loss. Peptides can be consumed topically, in liquid-form, or through injections. To begin seeing results, patients will typically need to come in once a month for six months.

How does Peptide Therapy work?

Your body creates peptides on its own, but unfortunately, as we age, our bodies slow down. When our bodies slow down, so does the production of proteins and hormones. Administering additional peptides in specific formulas can help these peptides act as hormones, optimizing the targeted areas that we want to improve- including weight loss. Peptides can be consumed topically, in liquid-form, or through injections. To begin seeing results, patients will typically need to come in once a month for six months.

Peptide Therapy for Weight Loss

Peptide Formulas

  • Semaglutide

    Semaglutide is a peptide that is created by the gut. It helps regulate blood sugar

    levels by increasing insulin production and reducing appetite. It works by delaying

    gastric emptying, which allows the body to better absorb nutrients and helps to

    •control how much sugar is absorbed into the blood. Other potential benefits include:

    • lowered blood sugar

    •promotion of cardiovascular health

    • decreased risk of diabetes

    •signals to your brain that your stomach is "full"

    •suppressed appetite

  • Tirzepatide

    Tirzepatide is a peptide that works by increasing insulin production and lowers glucagon secretion as well as targets areas in the brain that regulate appetite and food intake. A small change in the molecule allows the drug to last weeks in our bodies rather than the natural version our bodies make, which lasts minutes.

    Tirzepatide benefits include:

    ● weight loss

    ● decreased appetite and cravings

    ● slows intestinal motility so you will feel fuller longer after meals

    ● dual action receptors allow for lower blood sugars (reduces sugar production in liver)

    ● A1C reduction

    ● improved cardiometabolic measures

Begin your weight loss journey today!

Begin your weight loss journey today!

We’re here to help change your life.